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Israelite Heritage 

Their has been many debates, even verbal and physical wars about the identity of the children of Israel, where is Jerusalem, the Garden of Eden etc. So many lies and deception, but Ahiyah is revealing His truth to those who will listen. It has even gotten to the point where many don't think any of these things ever existed.  I ask myself does Ahiyah have anything to say about this? Yes, let Yah be true, but every man a liar. Romans 3:4.

Their is going to be many surprises in these last days, and one of them is, what you think or feel, doesn't mean it is the truth. The mysteries of Israel will now be revealed. The truth is in the earth of never seen, or revealed portraits. Yah has given me the opportunity to discover and reveal it for the first time. It can be denied, but not changed. This your free gift to download for the 13 Tribes of  Israel. Yah has spoken family!  Click Here

Hidden Truth

The coat of Joseph, which his father made him was made of  12 colors, or shades, symbolic of the shades of the twelve tribes of Israel. Garments in the scripture has spiritual significance. The colors of Joseph’s coat was not of any random selection, but was purposefully selected to represent the 12 shades of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob had 4 wives which brought about the 12 different shades of Jacob’s children. The 4 wives represent 4 main shades, and each main shade has 3 shades of its own to total 12 shades of the nation.


The main shades are: black, brown, burgundy and beige. There are 3 shades that stem from black, from the darkest to the lightest of the tribe. There are 3 shades that stem from black, from the darkest to the lightest of the tribe. There are 3 shades that stem from burgundy, from darkest to the lightest. There are 3 shades that stem from brown, from the darkest to the lightest. Not all 12 tribes come from the shades of  black and brown.  There are only six tribes who will come from the black and brown shades. The shades of  burgundy and beige comes from the other 6 tribes.


Remember Esau, he was of the red shade; he stemmed from the main burgundy shade. Isaac and Rebecca were capable of producing a red child. Their are going to be Hebrew, Caucasian, Asian, Natives, Latino Israelites, they stem from the 12 shade of  Jacob's offspring. All these beautiful shades of the nations will love one another, and come together as one. This is why Jacob only made that coat of many colors for Joseph, because Joseph holds the double portion blessing of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companion. Joseph's coat was made of 12 colors representing the 12 tribes of Israel. I have seen Joseph's portrait with the coat on, hidden in our land. When we are gathered together after the 2nd Exodus, we will see how many were so wrong. Yah engraved a portrait in the desert of the earth of what the 12 tribes of Israel looks like.  I have captioned the portrait on the cover of this book as well as at the end of the book. At the bottom of this page you can see what Yah has showed me of the portrait of Joseph with the coat on. I found the portrait in our land on the Sinai Peninsula in the center of the earth.


Their is only one race, with twelve shades. Israel had twelve sons from 4 different mothers. Your tribe can be determined from your maternal mother's side, or your paternal father's side. Key note: the 12 disciples was from 12 tribes; related  brothers out of the disciples didn't identify with the same tribe as his brother. The 13 tribes are character based, as well as having a blood-lined connection, and not racially based.

The free book compiled here: Portraits In The Desert, portrays biblical stories in the earth that can't be erased. Yah has put it in the earth for Israel to see as a witness and a testimony.


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